Artist Keith Champagne Joins NorthEast ComicCon March 13-15

Artist Keith Champagne Joins NorthEast ComicCon March 13-15

Keith Champagne is an accomplished and in-demand Inker, Colorist, Writer, Finisher and Artist who has produced for Marvel, DC and Independents, along with producing images and products for his own lines of merchandise. He has worked on Batman, Green Lantern, JSA, Justice League, Firestorm, Nightwing, Superman, Supergirl, Superboy and others for DC Comics. For Marvel Comics he has worked on X-MEN, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Star Wars, Spider-Man, Cable and others.  Currently Keith is working on the Stranger Things comic series.

Keith will be offering commissions, signed prints and signing books at the NorthEast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza Cabin Fever Show March 13-15 at the Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center in Boxborough, Massachusetts.

Artists also appearing include Marvel Comics Legend JIM STERANKO, plus Joe St. Pierre (Spider-Man), Keith Williams (The Phantom, Superman, Black Panther), Philo Barnhart (Little Mermaid, Beauty & The Beast), Bob Eggleton (Godzilla) and many more.

Low admission, free parking with kids 10 and under admitted free with supervising adults, with Video Games, Concerts, Comedy and Vendors selling Pop Culture, its guaranteed not boring.

Artist Keith Champagne Joins NorthEast ComicCon’s March 13-15