Discover Bob Tkacik, a freelance comic book artist who pours his passion into creating his own comic book, Good Boy Paws. This heartwarming comic follows the journey of a recently abandoned dog as he unravels the mystery of his identity and purpose. Tkacik successfully crowdfunded this project through Kickstarter. Tkacik’s artistic prowess extends beyond his […]
Tag Archives: comic art
Are you a fan of comics, art, and animals? Don’t miss the chance to meet Bob Tkacik, a freelance comic book artist who is currently working on his creator-owned comic book Good Boy Paws. The comic tells the story of a recently abandoned dog learning about who he is and what he was meant for. […]
Attention all comic book and cartoon fans! Get ready to mark your calendars because Tim Jones, the creator, artist, and writer of the widely popular, self-syndicated comic strip “SOUR GRAPES,” is set to appear at the Northeast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza from March 10th-12th, 2023! For those who may not be familiar with Tim and […]
Meet Keith Williams, the legendary comic book inker from Marvel Comics! This is your chance to meet one of the most influential and accomplished artists in the industry and get your favorite comics signed by the man himself. Williams has had an impressive career in the comic book industry, starting out as a background inker […]
On November 25-27, 2022, join Joe St.Pierre at The NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza at the Boxboro Regency Hotel for 3 days of pop culture shopping and entertainment. Vendors selling pop culture collectibles, comics, toys, books, and memorabilia. As well as celebrities signing autographs (for a fee), comic book artists and writers will be in […]
NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza is thrilled to welcome back animator and artist Philo Barnhart, who amazes fans with his quick draws of his classic characters including Ariel and Ursula from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, among many others. Commissions, signed prints, and original artworks can be purchased in our artists alley. Artist and Animator Philo […]
NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza always provides high quality artists from multiple genres in the Pop Culture investment and decorative markets, offering original art, commissions, signing books and prints. From the majors like Marvel, DC and Disney to independent and up and comers, the selection of affordable original art makes the show a place collectors and […]