Discover Bob Tkacik, a freelance comic book artist who pours his passion into creating his own comic book, Good Boy Paws. This heartwarming comic follows the journey of a recently abandoned dog as he unravels the mystery of his identity and purpose. Tkacik successfully crowdfunded this project through Kickstarter. Tkacik’s artistic prowess extends beyond his […]
Tag Archives: Comic Books
Keith Champagne has made significant contributions to the world of comics. He graduated from Montville High School in Oakdale, Connecticut in 1988. Later, he attended the prestigious Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, where he honed his skills. During his second year at the Kubert School, he began working professionally as a comic […]
Barbara Friedlander was a notable figure in the world of DC Comics during the 1960s. She made significant contributions as both a writer and an associate editor. She holds the distinction of being the first woman to create a character for DC Comics. That character was none other than Scooter, a British teenage musician who […]
Author Sam Miserendino will be showcasing and signing books in his Addicted Animal Series. Children’s books for former children, each book provides a twisted take on If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. Titles include If You Give a Bunny a Beer (Addicted Animals Book 1), If You Give a Bear a Bong (Addicted Animals […]
Jeff Kline is a name synonymous with creativity and innovation in the world of comics. As the driving force behind Darby Pop Publishing, Kline has carved out a unique space for high-concept storytelling. Founded in 2013, Darby Pop isn’t your run-of-the-mill comic book publisher. It’s a haven for fresh ideas, visually captivating narratives, and a […]
Jim Steranko did not just work on projects, he is a staple that helped define comics. Steranko is an American graphic artist, comic book writer/artist, comics historian, magician, publisher and film production illustrator. He is best known for his work with the 1960s superspy feature “Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.” in Marvel Comics’ Strange Tales […]
Are you a fan of comics, art, and animals? Don’t miss the chance to meet Bob Tkacik, a freelance comic book artist who is currently working on his creator-owned comic book Good Boy Paws. The comic tells the story of a recently abandoned dog learning about who he is and what he was meant for. […]