Toking with the DEAD is a comic series that combines marijuana and zombies. Created by Benjamin Bartlett and Jeffrey Homan of Massachusetts, the comic series was years in the making and the first five issues are now complete and available to the public. Follow their story as they fight for their lives, and their weed, […]
Category Archives: Writers
Sci-fi, fantasy and horror artist Bob Eggleton will be appearing at the NorthEast ComicCon Holiday Shopping Extravaganza November 24-26, 2023! Eggleton has been creating stunning illustrations for books, magazines, comics, films and games for 30 plus years. He is widely recognized as one of the leading artists in the genre, having won nine Hugo Awards, […]
Most fondly remembered for her starring role as “Cissy” in the long-running CBS international television hit, Family Affair, Kathy Garver has also garnered critical acclaim in movies, stage, radio, voice-over animation, and audio book narration. Kathy was born on December 13 in Long Beach, California to Hayes and Rosemary Garver joining her sister, Beverly, and […]
Toking with the DEAD is a comic series that combines marijuana and zombies. Created by Benjamin Bartlett and Jeffrey Homan of Massachusetts, the comic series was years in the making and the first five issues are now complete and available to the public. Follow their story as they fight for their lives, and their weed, […]
Jim Steranko did not just work on projects, he is a staple that helped define comics. Steranko is an American graphic artist, comic book writer/artist, comics historian, magician, publisher and film production illustrator. He is best known for his work with the 1960s superspy feature “Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.” in Marvel Comics’ Strange Tales […]
If you love music and singing along to your favorite tunes, you won’t want to miss the “Mach-a-raoke” karaoke show hosted by Cowboy Mach Bell at the NorthEast ComicCon Holiday Shopping Show! Mach will be hosting karaoke Friday and Saturday night, November 24 & 25, at 8pm. Choose a song, grab a friend, and hop […]
Australian-born artist and writer Marianne Plumridge lives in Rhode Island with her husband, illustrator Bob Eggleton. They share their home with over 1,000 Godzilla monster toys, and just as many dinosaurs, dragons, and other odd beasties and creature figurines. Their house really is a creative atmosphere, occupied by numerous books, paintings, art materials, and CDs, […]