Monkees Micky Dolenz at Summer NEComicCon

Careers In The Creative Arts BSCCC Focus

Micky Dolenz, singer and drummer of The Monkees will be appearing to meet fans at the Summer edition of the Northeast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza July 22 & 23 at the Hanover Mall Event Center in Hanover MA.

Following a highly successful 50th Anniversary world tour with Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz is currently touring with his group doing solo shows and stage shows, along with personal appearances to meet fans, do photo ops, Q&A with fans and sign autographs at Comic Cons and Fan Conventions world wide.

2016 also saw the release and success of the Monkees newest album hitting the top of the charts and gaining critical review 50 years after their first one, and featuring songs written to todays top songwriters.

A full size authentic replica of the Monkeemobile will also be on site for photo ops.

Also appearing alongside Micky Dolenz to sign autographs will be James Tolkan, know as Mr Strickland in Back To The Future, along with a Delorean Time Machine replica for photo ops.  And if that’s not enough there will also be Doctor Who’s time machine the TARDIS for photo ops.

Other activities included in admission will be Game Underground‘s Arena with free play on vintage and modern game systems, Starship Horizon’s Bridge Simulator to experience leading a mission on a Starship, Costume (Cosplay) Contests and Pose-Offs, Panels, Live Music, and Comedy.

General admission is cost effective for families with Advance purchase tickets, only $15 for Saturday, July 22 and only $12 for Sunday, July 23, and Weekend Passes only $20, all with advance purchase only.  Tickets at the door will be available for $20 per day, $30 for the weekend, and a special $10 price at 1:00 pm on Sunday at the door.

The Summer Northeast Comic Con runs Saturday, July 22 from 10 am until 6 pm, and Sunday, July 23 from 10 am until 5 pm, with Early Bird and VIP attendees accessing at 9:30 am.  Advance discount tickets are on sale, and children 10 and under are free admission when accompanied by an adult.  There is a fee for autographs and photo ops with celebrities.

Monkees Micky Dolenz at Summer NEComicCon