Writer Will Murray at the NorthEast Comic Con Summer Show

Writer Will Murray at the NorthEast Comic Con Summer Show

Writer Will Murray may just have the Infinity Gauntlet, as The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl defeated Thanos in 2005!

An American novelist, journalist, and short-story and comic-book writer, we’re proud to welcome him back to the NorthEast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza the weekend of July 6-8, 2018.

Will Murray has written short stories for some of the most popular comic book characters – Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, the Hulk, and many others. What you may not know is, much of Will’s fiction has been published under pseudonyms. He also co-created the superhero Squirrel Girl, with artist Steve Ditko, for Marvel Comics. He scripted The Destroyer black & white magazine, as well as single stories starring Iron Man & The Punisher.

Will Murray is also an author of nonfiction articles about pulp magazine writers such as Doc Savage creator Lester Dent. Since 1979, he has been the literary executor for the estate of Mr. Dent, and has published fifteen Doc Savage novels from his outlines under Lester Dent’s pseudonym, Kenneth Robeson.

NEComicCon happens July 6-8, 2018, at the Boxboro Regency Hotel in Boxboro MA. Joining Will Murray, the weekend includes more Artists, Authors, Creators, Cosplay, Gaming, Live Music, Puppets, Crafts and incredible exhibitors of awesome collectibles! Records, toys, style, fashion and weirdness will also be part of the fun. Children 10 and under are free admission with adult supervision. And Free Parking!

Writer Will Murray at the NorthEast Comic Con Summer Show