The Toking Dead Comes to the NorthEast Comic Con

The Toking Dead Comes to the NorthEast Comic Con

Tobi and Duke fight for their lives, and their weed, in this hilarious action packed adventure.

The comic series The Toking Dead is based on two friends who open a dispensary after the legalization of medicinal marijuana was approved. A catastrophic event at a nearby facility flipped their world upside down when people began to turn into crazed, undead mutants. Duke and Tobi accidentally discover that their weed has a strange and unique effect on the zombies. The need for flesh has been replaced with a need for weed, and maybe a Twinkie or two. Follow their story as they try to save the world. has given The Toking Dead a five star rating – the only five star rating they’ve given! An excerpt of the review says, “This is truly a unique comic book.  I know of nothing like this anywhere else.  I think these guys really put their hearts and souls into this business.  I don’t want to call it a project because, it way surpasses that.  This is a true accomplishment.

However, I will tell you that this is a wicked killer issue. There’s plenty of action throughout the whole issue. And the comedy is true stoner comedy. These characters have the kinds of conversations EVERY weed smoker has had. They have an employee, Piper (a hardcore chick with a major attitude), who gets caught up in the turmoil afoot as well.

And what turmoil is that? A Zombie attack! (And these are some gross looking zombies, for real.)

Stacked high (no pun intended but, still funny now that I think of it) with page turning vigor, we join Duke, Tobi and Piper as they not only try to figure out what is going on (which can be a slightly slower process for some stoners) but, also as they try to figure out a plan to deal with their new surrounding and apparent lifestyle, which is about to drastically change.  We’ll have to keep reading to find out if it’s for the better or worse.

The Toking Dead will be returning to Boxboro MA with the NorthEast Comic Con and Collectibles Extravaganza, November 23-25, 2018 at the Boxboro Regency Hotel. Meet your favorite comic artists, and grab some pop culture swag, this Black Friday weekend! Full of celebrities, artists, performers, comedians, musicians, collectors, cosplay, crafting, and more, the NEComicCon is the most affordable and family friendly event in New England.

Get your tickets online and save money this holiday season. After party live music and comedy show tickets include weekend passes, and parking is always free! The Holiday Shopping Event for Nerds and the People who Love Them, this November 23-25, 2018. Guaranteed not boring!



The Toking Dead Comes to the NorthEast Comic Con