Kim Luiso Gets Crafty with Kims Got Crafts this November 23-25

Kim Luiso Gets Crafty with Kim's Got Craft's this November 23-25

Kim Luiso went to the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale right out of high school. Life happened but Kim never stopped making, doing, and learning all kinds of arts and crafts. Television briefly gave her mentors to learn from, and the lack of current crafting programs inspired her to create Kims Got Crafts.

If you cant find it DO IT. Kim brings her creativity to local TV (and YouTube)! Crafting with anyone willing to learn and play, including visitors, kids, guests, and celebrities of pop culture conventions. She creates masks, hats, wings, pop ups and pop culture crafts, all available to play with. Bring any idea to Kim, and she’ll surely say, “I’ve got a craft for that!”

When at NorthEast Comic Con, Kims Got Crafts takes the art and story off the page, and bring it to life. A recent craft project included tiki masks for Barry Williams, based on an episode of The Brady Bunch. Kim’s also created spell pouches with Mike Zohn of Obscura Antiques, and Pokémon pokéballs with kids in her studio. Rumor has it, there are live tapings of the show set to take place, at the winter show this November!

NorthEast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza comes back to the Boxboro Regency Hotel, in Boxboro MA, this November 23-25, 2018! Dress up as your favorite character for our Cosplay contests, or stop in at Kims Got Crafts and get some help making some! Actors, artists, comics, collectibles, creators, and crafting, and you’ll find so much more to do and see. It’s the perfect time for holiday shopping for nerds, and the people who love them. Advance purchase tickets are available for the weekend, and VIP Experiences with Akira Takarada of Godzilla fame.

Free Parking, and Guaranteed not boring!

Kim Luiso Gets Crafty with Kim’s Got Craft’s this November 23-25