Category Archives: Celebrities

First Wave of Comic and Animation Artists for NEComicCon June 18-19

Part of the allure of a comic con or fan convention is meeting artists, creators, writers and animators of some of your favorite programs, books, cartoons and films.  Northeast Comic Con has a great mix of amateurs and professionals offering original works of art in many formats including comic, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mixed media, […]

Voice Actor Workshop with Sonic Boom Cast

Ever think of having a career as a “voice” in cartoons, video games, in films, on television or on the radio?  Now is your opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the Voice Actor business in private workshops at the Northeast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza Dec. 5 & 6, 2015 at the Shriners Auditorium […]

Adam West VIP Event at NE Comic Con

As part of the the best Fandom Weekend in New England June 20-21 at Northeast Comic Con in Wilmington MA, the star of Batman and Family Guy, Adam West will be honored on the 50th Anniversary of filming the first episode of the TV series Batman at a special VIP Event Sat. night June 20 […]

30 Days til NorthEast Comic Con

Summer SolsticeFathers’ Day JUNE20-21 BEST FAN CONVENTION VALUE MORE FUN  … MORE ATTRACTIONS Discount Advance Tickets On Sale til June 1st$18 Adult Saturday($20 after 6/1 and $25 at the Door)$15 Adult Sunday ($18 after 6/1 and $20 at the Door) $28 Adult Weekend Pass ($30 after 6/1 and $40 at the Door) $10 Kids 7 […]

Gigi Edgley Joins NECC Guests

IMAGE Meet And Greet is pleased to announce that Gigi Edgley will be appearing at the Northeast Comic Con & Collectibles Extravaganza, the Pop Culture Expo, June 20-21 at the Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington, MA. Gigi starred as the mysterious and sexy Chiana on the Jim Henson Company produced Sci-Fi adventure TV serie “Farscape” and […]

Celebrities at Northeast Comic Con 2015

Here is a list of our celebrities, artists and featured guests at Northeast Comic Con 2015: Adam West Alex Simmons Billy Sample Emily Drouin Eric Bornstein J. David Spurlock Jeff Kline Jim Steranko Johnny Cavooto Philo Barnhart Roger Farrington Rusty Gilligan Vivek Tiwary